Lizz van Quantide
in the Between class Females Brindel,
1 Exe + VDH Anwartschaft
Judge: Martina Rolbes
BVN Jahressieger KCM Netherlands.
Lizz van Quantide
in the Between class Females,
1 Exe. + CAC + Jahressieger + BOB
Noortje van Quantide in Puppy class Females, 3 Very Promising.
Leela van Quantide in the Youth class Females, 3 Exe.
Kim van Quantide in the Open class Females, ZG.
Romij van Quantide in the Veteran class Females , 1 Exe.
Judge: Beate Spelsberg
On 25 Augustus 2024, on the exhibition in Mönchengladbach (D),
Leela van Quantide
in the Between class Females Yellow, 1 Exe. + VDH Anwartschaft
Lizz van Quantide, in the Between class Females Brindel, 2 Exe. + res. VDH Anwartschaft
Judge: S. Nattkamp
On 24 Augustus 2024, on the exhibition in Mönchengladbach (D),
Lizz van Quantide
in the Between class Females Brindel, 1 Exe. + VDH Anwartschaft
Leela van Quantide, in the Between class Females Yellow, 2 Exe. + res. VDH Anwartschaft
Judge: R. Blatt-Fuchs
Kim has been tested for HD, Heart and Spondylosis.
Kim van Quantide
HD A, Heart 0 and Spondylosis 0
Lizz has been tested for HD, Heart and youth Spondylosis.
Lizz van Quantide
HD A, Heart 0 and youth Spondylosis 0
Leela has been tested for HD, Heart and youth Spondylosis.
Leela van Quantide
HD A, Heart 0 and youth Spondylosis 0
Isabell has been tested for HD, Heart and Spondylosis.
Isabell van Quantide
HD A, Heart 0 and Spondylosis 0
Kim has been tested for HD, Heart and youth Spondylosis.
Kim van Quantide
HD A, Heart 0 and youth Spondylosis 0
On the 25 November 2023 on the exhibition in Gladbeck (D).
Lizz van Quantide
Jungstenklasse Females Brindel
1 VV
Keurmeester: S. Nattkamp
On the 22 October 2023 on the exhibition in Krefeld (D).
Leela van Quantide
Babyklasse Females Yellow
1 VV
Judge: B. Jodl
van Quantide boxers